Publisher's Archives
The acquisition of a significant publisher’s archive (Cotta) was one of the motivations for the founding of the German Literature Archive Marbach (DLA) in 1955. Since then, acquiring literarily significant publishers’ archives and the archives of journal editorial offices are among the key tasks for the DLA. The continuously growing number of users in this portion of our collections signals a strong public interest and an increased awareness for the research value of publishers’ archives. The majority of important publishers of literary fiction and poetry are represented in the DLA: Bremer Presse, Claassen, Cotta, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Diederichs, S. Fischer, Hanser, Kippenberg/Insel, Klostermann, Langen-Müller, Limes, Luchterhand, März, Piper, Rowohlt, Lambert Schneider, Stahlberg, Steegemann, Suhrkamp, Weismann, Carl Winter, among others. In collecting these materials, we focus on literary archives with predominantly German-language authors.
Additionally, we have the papers of publicists such as Paul Alverdes, Alfred Andersch, Heinz Ludwig Arnold, Josef Eberle, Manfred George, Joachim Günther, Siegfried Kracauer, Benno Mascher, Joachim Moras, Hans Paeschke, Marcel Reich-Ranicki, Benno Reifenberg, Friedrich Sieburg, Herbert Steiner, Dolf Sternberger, Will Vesper, among others. Archives of editorial offices of journals such as Kürbiskern, Flaischlen/Pan, Merkur and total are also part of this segment. It is rounded off by the papers of publishing house staff and editors such as Fritz Arnold, Elisabeth Borchers, Knut Erichson, Walter Janka, Hermann Kasack, Ernst Krawehl, Ernst Metelmann and Fritz J. Raddatz.
Dr. Gunilla Eschenbach
Head of the Manuscript Cataloging Department
Telephone +49 (0) 7144 / 848-405