Hebrew Ballads. Drawing by Else Lasker-Schüler (1912). Photo: DLA Marbach.
Israeli cooperation partners of the DLA
- The National Library of Israel (NL)
- Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem
- Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem
- Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Instituto Cultural Judaico Marc Chagall, Porto Alegre
- Leibnitz Institute for Jewish History and Culture - Simon Dubnow
Jewish holdings at the DLA
Projects of the DLA
- Coordination Center for the Research of German-Jewish Estates in Israel
- Poetic Textures: Else Lasker-Schüler Archives
- tsurikrufn! Memories of Jewish Personalities in Germany. A joint project of the »Arbeitskreis selbständiger Kultur-Institute e. V. - AsKI«
- Source Repertory of the Libraries of Exiled Authors at the German Literature Archive Marbach: Siegfried Kracauer
- Source Repertory of the Exile Libraries at the German Literature Archive Marbach. Module 1 : Alfred Döblin
- The Libraries of Karl Wolfskehl
- Cataloguing the Library of Kurt Pinthus as part of the MWW project »Transatlantic Book Movement. Migratory paths and transfer routes before and after 1945«
Deutsche Schillergesellschaft e.V.
Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach
Schillerhöhe 8-10
71672 Marbach am Neckar
Telephone +49 (0) 7144 / 848-0
Telefax +49 (0) 7144 / 848-299
Email info@dla-marbach.de