Literatur im Netz (Literature on the Web)
The library of the German Literature Archive Marbach collects, catalogues, and archives newer German-language literature. Since 2008, the DLA has been collecting web publications and archiving selected online publications on the platform Literatur im Netz in order to make these online publications available to academic researchers on a long-term basis. The collection currently includes 90 literary journals, 330 weblogs and nearly 60 web literature being catalogued and indexed in the Marbach online-catalogue Kallías, the union catalogue of the southwestern region (SWB), the Zeitschriftendatenbank (Journal Database, ZDB) and the Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Germanistik. In this way, not only is the conventional collection and cataloguing of literary sources in Marbach systematically augmented, but new digital media that reflect contemporary literary life are also accounted for.
The current technical archiving of digital documents had to be suspended temporarily on 30 September 2018 because the technical service providers had ceased development and service of their archiving software SWBcontent.
The online access to the resources is still possible. The Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (Library Service Centre Baden-Wuerttemberg, BSZ) has supported the DLA in adopting the data and installing an environment for an unmodified outward presentation and usage. The resources that have already been archived according to current standards are stored on server at the DLA and at the Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT).
Since the end of 2019, a distributed long-term repository for digital literature and a research platform have been created with the participation of the DLA Marbach as part of the SDC4Lit project; it is planned to resume full operation of Literature on the Net with active archiving in 2022. We nonetheless welcome recommendations from authors regarding literary journals, weblogs and web literature that suit our range of collections. The German Literature Archive admits web-based literary works to its cataloguing and archiving program, provided content-related and technical prerequisites are met.