Publishers’ Archives and Production Libraries
Complete production libraries and publishers’ archives are highly valued as the documentation of a publisher’s activity as well as the presentation of authors and works. Their distinctive feature is to reflect the production process of a printed book, sometimes shorter, sometimes longer, either intermittent or continuous, with its variations in issues, binding and dust jackets or even dates of production that have been pasted in. The production archive complements the archive of records from a publisher. Only in the archive of prints does one find books of a given publisher in an alphabetical list (Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Insel Verlag), in numerically increasing sequence (Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, Insel-Bücherei) or in a thorough chronology of the archive’s complete program (Siegfried Unseld Archive), in which hardcover editions, paperbacks and collections of works are mixed. The archives of smaller publishers and presses with their specific intended audiences (März, Olympia-Press, “2001”), their international perspective (Stahlberg) or their bibliophile orientation provide insight into the literary culture of a historical period.
Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach
Schillerhöhe 8-10
71672 Marbach
Telephone +49 (0) 7144 / 848-301
Telefax +49 (0) 7144 / 848-390
Head of Department: Dr. Nathalie Maag
- List of Holdings