(4) Literature data: Digital collection research
The digital holdings of the DLA are constantly and rapidly growing in all areas of the archive. Emails, electronic scripts, net literature, virtual adaptations of literature in games – these growth areas are processed with the help of digital collection research, which takes place in the context of several cooperation projects. The sub-department ›Digital Archive, Digital Humanities, Research Data Management‹ maintains close communication with professionals in the community to promote dialogue on subjects such as ›best practice‹ in developing and running a digital archive.
The overarching programme »Securing the Free Word« (see 2. Reading Traces) also engages with the challenges and the potential presented by digital collections. The conference »Digital Exile« (7–9.10.2025), in cooperation with the Cluster »Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective« at the Free University Berlin, will discuss the diversity of digital practices employed by exile authors and the importance and potential of social media platforms as well as personal blogs for their self-representation and communication.
Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach
Department of Research
Schillerhöhe 8-10
71672 Marbach
Telephone +49 (0) 7144 / 848-175
Telefax +49 (0) 7144 / 848-191
Email forschung@dla-marbach.de