Marbacher Schriften. Neue Folge. Ed. by Sandra Richter. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2023. 84 Seiten. Broschiert. ISBN 978-3-8353-5351-0. 16 €
Literature does not end at the borders of its country of origin or its language. Hence, literary archives hold material that is neither limited to a country nor to a language, although one country and language usually dominate. Many archives, however, have the official task and are funded in order to preserve the literary heritage of a specific territory. How can we conceptualize literary archives in their regional and global frameworks and develop them further? How can archives meet the interests of the literary public and of researchers? With contributions by Stephen Enniss, Lavinia Frey, Jeang-Yean Goak, Ben Hutchinson, David D. Kim, Stefan Litt, B. Venkat Mani, Nelson Mlambo, Sebastian Möring, Sandra Richter, Fred Studemann, Meike G. Werner, Katja Wiesbrock Donovan.
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